Feel Like Giving Up On Life? Cancer Patients Have Some Wise Words For You.

When facing challenging circumstances, it can be easy to feel like giving up. This feeling is especially true for those who have received a cancer diagnosis. The wisdom gained from cancer patients and survivors who have faced these challenges head-on and come out the other side can provide valuable advice and support to others who are struggling with difficult circumstances. In this article, I will explore a few nuggets of advice that cancer patients and survivors have shared for those facing a difficult time in life, and feel like giving up.

I’ve surveyed thousands of cancer patients and survivors globally over many years, and one of the key questions I commonly ask is: “What advice would you give to someone who feels like giving up on life?” These survey participants have gained valuable wisdom from their cancer journey, and their answers provide valuable insights and support. Below are some of the key themes that emerged:

Seek help

A common piece of advice given by cancer patients and survivors was to seek help. This help could come in many forms, from counseling to medical treatment, but the important thing is to know that it’s okay to ask for assistance. Here are some of the quotes from survey respondents that illustrate this theme:

  • “Get counseling, go for walks, search for your own path through the dark night. Share with others, be open to help.”
  • “Seek help. Know that it is okay to have these thoughts. But to have the strength to find and seek help if need be, to put a plan into place to go forward and come out a far better, happier person.”
  • “To reach out for help, you are not alone, seek medical attention whether holistic or modern.”

Believe in yourself

Believing in oneself can be challenging when life feels overwhelming, but it is essential to remember that each person has the power to change their life. Here are some of the quotes that capture this point:

  • “We have the power to heal our lives if we only trust and believe in ourselves.”
  • “Believe in yourself, you can make it, let go of the people who bring you down.”
  • “You have the power to change your life.”

Focus on gratitude

When life feels bleak, it can be helpful to focus on what one is grateful for. This can be anything, no matter how small, and the act of acknowledging it can bring a sense of joy and positivity. Here are some of the quotes that touch on this theme:

  • “Find 3 things to be grateful for at the end of each day.”
  • “DON’T!! When you’re feeling down, hopeless etc. look for something to be grateful for.”
  • “Find something to be grateful for every day and feel the joy of that.”

Take small steps

It can be daunting to face the future when life feels hopeless, but taking small steps can help to break down the enormity of the task. Here are some of the quotes that convey this theme:

  • “Just look at a small amount of time first, whether that is a day or even an hour at a time. Small steps.”
  • “Accept what can’t be changed. ‘What can’t be cured must be endured, and set yourself small goals or projects to be achieved.”
  • “Surrender for a time, but try to eat well and go for long walks in nature. Don’t push or try to create an artificial life.”

Life is precious

Perhaps the most universal piece of advice given by cancer patients and survivors is that life is precious and worth fighting for. Here are some of the quotes that express this sentiment:

  • “There is no chance of winning if you just give up, and every chance that things will change one way or another so there is nothing to lose.”
  • “Depends what they have been through, how long they have already lived. Advice: No need to give up yet because there is always another way of looking at, or dealing with, things.”
  • “There is always someone else worse off and life is precious and worth doing everything possible to help us stay here on this earth for as long as we possibly can.”

In conclusion, cancer patients who have faced the challenges of a cancer diagnosis have valuable advice to offer to those who feel like giving up on life. From taking life one day at a time to remembering that there is always hope for a brighter future, the wisdom gained from these experiences can provide valuable support and encouragement to those who are struggling. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that there is always hope for a better tomorrow.